Way of Working

Having fun means great photos

Would you like a fun photo shoot with your family, friends, children or pets with a great result? I can take care of that for you. If people are having fun while during a photo session, great photos will be the result! You can also come to me for a special photo reportage such as a love shoot; a loving portrait of you and your partner or a pregnancy reportage.

Pregnancy reportage

A photo reportage during your pregnancy is a special experience and a beautiful memory for later. The most beautiful photos of your belly can be made after 32 to 38 weeks pregnancy. Also after the birth there is a beautiful opportunity for a photo, while the baby is so little that he/she grows every day.

Child photography

At home in their own surroundings or at a nice (outside) location are children more at ease. The relaxed atmosphere is guaranteed to ensure spontaneous, recognisable and unique portrait photos of your children.

Your wishes

Before a definite agreement is made for a photo reportage, I have a discussion with you to find out your wishes. Such as the location, the number of people, the required atmosphere and / or theme, clothing, and for what purpose the portrait photo shall be used etc. If you yourselves have nice ideas: your own input will be definitely valued. For more information about please have a look at portrait photography pricing.


The photo reportage takes place in your own surroundings. That can be at your home, but also at a to be decided (outside) location. The flash lights ensure that there is sufficient lighting at the (home) location. In my portrait photos I willingly capture your true character and emotions. For these reasons, I prefer to photograph on location. Here you feel more relaxed and are less aware of the photographer and the camera. And if you feel at ease, you are more yourself and you see that back in the portrait photos.


How long does a photo shoot last? This typically takes 1 to 2 hours. In discussion with you, I determine the final image, with the correct feelings conveyed. In general it is important to take the time so that the wished for result is achieved. Quality thereby is paramount.

Photo working

The photos are shot in RAW format. In most cases is it still necessary to digitally work on the images to some degree. Therefore don’t worry about potential skin problems; a little spot or wrinkle in the skin can be removed so that there is nothing left to see (retouching). It is also possible for me to switch the photos to sepia or black and white, for a retro effect.


During the photo session a variety of photos will be taken. Only the photos that meet my quality requirements will be placed for you on a separate web page. You receive, via email, the link to this web page and you can look at the photos online in order to make a choice (up to a maximum of 1 month after the placement). Afterwards you receive the images of your choice as digital files, so that you yourself can print them, for example on canvass or in an album as a unique present for family or friends.

For more information or for a meeting for a photo shoot you can contact me by phoning 06-53422921.